sun x moon sapphics OTD
how do i submit a request?
you may submit your requests through dms OR anonymously HERE
* please let us know the show or film the character(s) are from !
must they be canonly sapphic?
nope! headcanons are welcome, but we will only post characters if you hc them as sapphic.
which requests will you not post?
any requests involving real people, incest or minor-adult relationships will NOT be posted. we do NOT post canonly gay / cinthean characters.
are there any blacklisted series?
a full blacklist can be found HERE.
what are sun and moon sapphics?
it represents a dynamic between two sapphics in which one individual represents the moon, and the other represents the sun. further explanation and flag meanings can be found HERE.
i have another question.
you may ask questions through our curiouscat!
about the admin

they / them. nby sapphic.
south asian. 19.